For the past week, I’ve gone through a phase to reorganize all of my domains/projects. I moved most of my websites to a new hosting company that offers unlimited domains, subdomains, MySQL databases, FTP accounts, shell accounts, etc., and so far it’s been great!
I have also been making a shift to Joomla! for a few significant website projects. My employer (Earnware) has started using Joomla! for a few big projects, and since I’ve taken the lead on most of those projects, I’ve been able to work with it a lot lately. It’s good stuff… for the most part.
I’ve been working constantly to get some of my current projects into live. How to Code .NET is the next great programmer’s website, and I need to finish development as soon as possible. I also have a few other projects that I’m working on side-by-side How to Code, so hopefully some of them will break through the surface soon.